2020-Polyphenolic Proanthocyanidin-B2 suppresses proliferation of liver cancer cells and hepatocellular carcinogenesis through directly binding and inhibiting AKT activity
The well-documented anticarcinogenic properties of natural polyphenolic proanthocyanidins (OPC) have been primarily attributed to their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potency. Emerging evidence suggests that OPC may target canonical oncogenic pathways, including PI3K/AKT; however, the underlying mechanism and therapeutic potential remain elusive. Here we identify that proanthocyanidin B2 (OPC–B2) directly binds and inhibits AKT activity and downstream signalling, thereby suppressing tumour cell proliferation and metabolism in vitro and in a xenograft and diethyl-nitrosamine (DEN)-induced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) mouse models. We further find that OPC-B2 binds to the catalytic and regulatory PH domains to lock the protein in a closed conformation, similar to the well-studied AKT allosteric inhibitor MK-2206. Molecular docking and dynamic simulation suggest that Lys297 and Arg86 are critical sites of OPC-B2 binding; mutation of Lys297 or Arg86 to alanine completely abolishes the antitumor effects of OPC-B2 but not MK-2206. Together, our study reveals that OPC-B2 is a novel allosteric AKT inhibitor with potent anti-tumour efficacy beyond its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
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